Glacier National Park!
Nature Photo Tours

Nature Photo Tours

Come Join Us and Experience the Splendor of Glacier National Park !


Located in Montana, on the Canadian-U.S. Border, Glacier National Park encompasses over 1 million acres. It's home to hundreds of lakes, two mountain ranges, and a host of diverse plant and animal species. The National Park Service refers to it as the "Crown of the Continent",
and describes it as "big, wild, majestic, awesome and spectacular !"


Although our focus will be the majestic scenery, numerous waterfalls, and bountiful wildflowers (we're trying to get the peak time for wildflowers), we're also likely to encounter mountain goats, and perhaps some moose and Grizzly bears as well !


Whether you choose to experiment with some Black and White Image processing, or utilize the rich colors of the Glacier National Park Summer season, you're sure to come home with some stunning images.


Still learning about Nature Photography and your camera equipment?  No worries!


Need help on the basics? Don't be shy about it!  We're here to help you to become a better photographer. To help you gain experience and to give you the photographic instruction you need to help you improve your nature photography skills !  


Nature Photo Tours

Regardless of what you may need assistance on, understanding histograms, composition, exposure, camera settings and functions, understanding color space, shutter speed, aperture, exposure, using filters, we're there to assist you with all of that and more !  If there's some down time on Workshops we often go over image processing with Photoshop and Lightroom.
Whatever your level of photographic skill, our Photography Workshop Leaders are intent on helping you go home with great images from our Workshop!


Not on a Workshop but need some help with image processing? We offer one on one remote learning on Photoshop and Lightroom, where we connect with you via your computer and teach you the image processing skills you need to know!


As with all of our Workshops, you get two FREE prints of any image of your choice that you shoot on the Workshop (Choose from 8x10, 11X14 or 12X18 print sizes). They'll be printed by a local Professional Photo Lab and mailed to you. These prints will be printed on a Chromira Digital LED Printer, which was judged to be the best continuous tone printer in the World.




Nature Photo Tours


Book Now! 

COST For This 5 day Workshop is $989.00


* 5 % Discount for Repeat Workshop Participants


* 10% Discount for Early Booking (90+ days in advance)


*Workshop fee includes shooting, instruction, breakfast bars, muffins, juices, etc. and field lunch if lunchtime is spent afield. We do have a group meal at a restaurant one day that is included.


Fee does not include transportation, lodging or meals except as noted above. Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation, lodging and meals, although we typically will have recommended hotels for lodging with a block of rooms set aside for Workshop participants.



Click Here to Register for This Workshop

Please call or email for additional details.

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